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Career as Minister of religion

Stream : General
Sub Stream : general

Minister of Religion

Ministers of religion lead religious organisations, perform spiritual and religious ceremonies and provide spiritual guidance to members of a particular religious group. They lead the members of their religious organisation in acts of worship, officiate at weddings, funerals and other religious ceremonies, and offer a range of other community services, both in conjunction with the organisation they work for, and through their own personal day to day activities. who may also be called pastors or priests, generally conduct worship services, baptisms and funerals, and provide Christian care and leadership for the members of their church. In hierarchical denominations, they may serve under the oversight of a bishop; in non-hierarchical denominations they may function without oversight or as part of a board of elders. 
Pastors are typically responsible for oversight of all teaching, preaching and staff. They may lead bible studies or small groups and will generally run staff meetings. Larger churches may have a senior pastor, associate or assisting pastors and youth and family pastors. Additionally, some churches have worship pastors who are primarily responsible for organizing the worship service, including music and arts presentations, and teaching pastors who present the sermons. Ministers are often responsible for marriage and family counseling and for visits to parishioners who are in the hospital or are otherwise unable to come to church. They may also serve on community and/or denominational boards. 
In addition to working within their church, youth ministers may travel to other communities or countries for mission trips. These trips are usually for the purposes of teaching the youth of the congregation to help others in need and to spread the message of the church. A youth minister could be employed by his or her church, school or non-profit religious organization, but might also offer services on a volunteer basis.

Job responsibilities:

• a caring and compassionate nature
• strong religious faith
• knowledge of their religion's practices and history
• organisational skills
• public speaking skills
• an awareness of the needs of the community

Employment Opportunities for Minister of Religion:

There is no standard requirement for those wishing to become a minister of religion, as requirements vary according to which religion you follow, and which organisation you wish to join. 
Some ministers of religion require no formal qualifications in order to practice, but have other requirements, such as having belonged to a particular religious institution for a certain period of time or having completed particular religious rites. Other organisations require their religious leaders to have studied theology at university or a similar institution. 
In some religions particular facets of an individual's lifestyle can be an impediment to becoming a religious leader, such as having been married, divorced, or having children

How to become Minister of Religion?

No Degree as such is required to become a Minister of Religion.

Median Pay Scale/salary of Minister of Religion :

Annual pay for Minister of Religion is often lower, with some making Rs20,000 or Rs30,000 per month. Among some of the biggest televangelists and best-selling religious authors, it's not unusual to be a millionaire.

But unlike most nonprofits, which are required to file public tax statements, temples & churches are houses of worship are largely exempt from that requirement, making it hard to pinpoint details about their finances. Still, there are plenty of faith-based charities, nonprofits, media ministries and social justice organizations that are required to make their salaries public, with payments for top leaders regularly exceeding anything made by the average pastor.

How do I get there?

After 10th

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